(Classroom Course With Certificate & Placement)

Java Programming Training

Discover top-quality Java  Programming Training Course in Ludhiana at Locas Institute. Enhance your coding skills and master the popular language Java. Get hands-on experience through practical projects and expert guidance from industry professionals. Join us today and unlock your potential in the world of programming.

Is Computer Programming a Good Career?

Computer programming has been a hot topic for some time.Programming abilities provide good job alternatives in today's technology-driven environment, from front-end development to software engineering. One of the most adaptable professions is computer programming, which provides several specialisation options, remote work options, and other benefits.


Programming Languages Course in Ludhiana

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What is covered in a Programming languages course?


  • What is Java Programming?
  • History of Java
  • Key features of Java
  • Writing Hello Java program
  • Java Development Kit
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • Variable and Data Type Unicode System
  • Java Operators
  • Java Programs
  • Advantages of OOPS
  • Method Overloading
  • Constructor
  • Static keyword
  • This keyword
  • Inheritance method
  • Overriding
  • Covariant return type
  • Super keyword instance initializer block
  • Final keyword
  • Runtime polymorphism
  • Dynamic binding
  • Instance of operator abstract class
  • Interface abstract vs interface package access modifiers
  • Encapsulation
  • Object class
  • Java Array
  • What is string in Java?
  • Immutable string
  • String comparison
  • String concatenation
  • Substring methods of string class
  • StringBuffer class
  • StringBuilder class
  • Difference between String and StringBuffer
  • Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
  • How to create immutable class?
  • StringTokenizer in Java
  • toString method
  • What is an exception?
  • Try and Catch block
  • Multiple Catch block
  • Nested Try
  • Finally Block
  • Throw Keyword
  • Exception propagation
  • Throws Keyword
  • Throw vs Throws
  • Final vs Finally vs Finalize
  • Exception Handling With Method Overriding
  • What is inner class in Java?
  • Member inner class
  • Anonymous inner class
  • Local inner class
  • Static nested class
  • Nested interface
  • What is multithreading?
  • Lifecycle of a thread
  • How to create a thread?
  • Understanding thread schedular
  • Thread sleep in Java
  • Starting a thread twice
  • Joining threads in Java
  • Naming a thread
  • Thread priority
  • Daemon thread
  • Thread pool
  • Thread group
  • ShutdownHook in Java
  • Garbage collection in Java
  • Java Runtime Class
  • Understanding synchronization in Java
  • What is a synchronized block?
  • Static synchronization
  • Deadlock in Java
  • Inter-thread communication
  • Interupting thread
  • Basics of Applet in Java
  • Graphics in Applet
  • How to display image in Applet?
  • Animation in Applet
  • Event handling in Applet
  • Java Applet Class
  • Painting in Applet
  • Digital Clock in Applet
  • Analogue Clock in Applet
  • Parameter in Applet
  • Applet communication
  • Java AWT Basics
  • Event Handling
  • Input and Output in Java
  • File input and output
  • ByteArrayOutputStream Class
  • SequenceInputStream Class
  • BufferedOutputStream Class
  • FileWriter and FileReader
  • CharArrayWriter
  • Input by BufferedReader
  • Input by Console
  • Input by Scanner
  • PrintStream Class
  • Compress and Uncompress File
  • PipedInputStream and PipedOututStream
  • Basics of Swing in Java
  • Java JButton Class
  • JRadioButton Class
  • JTextArea Class
  • JComboBox Class
  • JTable Class
  • JColorChooser Class
  • JProgressBar Class
  • JSlider Class
  • Digital Watch Graphics in Java Swing
  • Displaying Image
  • Editing menu for Notepad
  • Opening Dialog Box
  • Java Layout Manager
  • Database Management System
  • Database Manipulations
  • SQLite Database integration in Java Project
  • XML Parsing Online
  • Notepad
  • Puzzle game
  • Pic Puzzle game
  • Tic Tac Toe Game
  • Crystal App
  • Age Puzzle
  • BMI Calculator
  • KBC game
  • Tourist app
  • Meditation app
  • Contact app
  • Weather app
  • POI App
  • Currency Convertor
  • View Animation
  • Tween Animation
  • Frame animation
  • Property Animation
  • Shared Preference
  • Preference Screen
  • SQLite Database
  • UI Thread
  • Handlers and loppers
  • Causes of ANR issue and its solution
  • Service Lifecycle
  • Unbound Service
  • Bound Service
  • HTTP Networking
  • Jason Parsing
  • XML Parsing
  • Shared Preference
  • Preference Screen
  • SQLite Database

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Gursajan Singh Java

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Frequently Asked Questions

internship programs
What is programming languages?

A programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks. The term programming language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal.

What are the steps of programming?
Developing a program involves steps similar to any problem-solving task.

The Programming Process
  • Defining the problem.
  • Planning the solution.
  • Coding the program.
  • Testing the program.
  • Documenting the program.
What are the 3 fundamentals of programming?
3 fundamental programming concepts you need to know
  • Object-Oriented Programming Principles.
  • Design Patterns.
  • Data Structures.
What are data types in programming?

A data type, in programming, is a classification that specifies which type of value a variable has and what type of mathematical, relational or logical operations can be applied to it without causing an error.

What is keyword in programming?

In the context of a programming language, a keyword is a closely related or associated word that is reserved by a program because, the word has a special meaning that defines commands and specific parameters for that code set.

What are the two types of programming?

Programming languages can also be categorized into various paradigms or models of programming. Two dominant paradigms are imperative languages and declarative languages: An imperative language specifies the exact steps the computer must take to complete a desired action.

Why do we need programming?

Computer programming is a fundamental skill for so many different applications, not just software development or cutting-edge research into artificial intelligence. It makes banking more accessible, smooths out supply lines, and creates those fantastic online experiences we love.

What are the 5 main programming languages?
  • Python. Python is the simplest language that can be learned by beginners. 
  •  C/C++ C/C++ is used by people who continue to work on Microsoft and Windows
  •  Java
  • SQL
  • Javascript
Which programming language is best?

What coding and programming language should i learn? JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high demand. Most startups use Python-based backend frameworks such as Django (Python), Flask (Python), and NodeJS (JavaScript).

How many coding languages are there?

According to the Online Historical Encyclopaedia of Programming Languages, people have created about 8,945 coding languages. Today, various sources report anywhere from 250-2,500 coding languages, although far fewer rank as top contenders in the commonly used group

What is the difference between coding and programming?

Coding is a part of programming that deals with writing codes that a machine can understand. Programming is a process that creates programs that involve the ratification of codes. Coding requires basic knowledge of programming skills without any software tools.